Action Point 5 - Strategy to facilitate reliance

Last update: 04/07/2024


The South-East Asia Regulatory Network (SEARN) was created in 2016 by the 11 Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region to develop and strengthen regulatory collaboration, convergence and reliance in the South-East Asia region over shared regulatory issues and challenges.

As a matter of fact, one of the main objectives of the network is to ‘Identify and develop potential work sharing and reliance processes to help address common work areas and optimize use of existing regulatory capacities and expertise available in the region.’

To address this need, the Assembly created in 2022 a dedicated action point (AP5) in the SEARN workplan, led by Working Group 2 (WG2) Regulatory Strengthening.

Scope and definitions

In 2021, the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations adopted as an annex to its 55th report the Good reliance practices in the regulation of medical products: high level principles and considerations.

This document defines reliance as ‘The act whereby the regulatory authority in one jurisdiction takes into account and gives significant weight to assessments performed by another regulatory authority or trusted institution, or to any other authoritative information, in reaching its own decision. The relying authority remains independent, responsible and accountable for the decisions taken, even when it relies on the decisions, assessments and information of others’.

As Figure 1 describes, reliance may take many forms and be applied to varying degrees in recognizing or taking account of the assessments, decisions or other authoritative information of other authorities and institutions. While recognition may be seen as a special and more formalized approach to reliance, whereby one regulatory authority recognizes the decisions of another regulatory authority, system or institution, obviating additional regulatory assessment to reach its own decision. Recognition usually requires formal and binding legal provisions.

Reliance may be used in the regulation of any of the medical products in the scope of SEARN and for all regulatory functions, in the full life cycle of a medical product.

While the precise situations in which reliance may be used are to be defined at the national level, some conditions are required to enable reliance, including having access to sufficient information from the reference NRA such as full/public assessment reports in a common language documenting their regulatory decisions.

General objective

To facilitate reliance in the SEARN region.

Enabling reliance in the region

Prioritized areas for reliance

The prioritized areas were selected considering the results from a survey conducted during the 2022-2023 work plan. It was decided that this strategy would focus on:

  • medicines and vaccines,
  • For Marketing Authorizations, Vigilance, Regulatory Inspections, and Laboratory Testing.

Converging on the definition of reference regulatory authorities in SEARN

The WHO Good reliance practices in the regulation of medical products: high level principles and considerations define a reference regulatory authority as a ‘national or regional authority or a trusted institution such as WHO prequalification (WHO PQ) whose regulatory decisions and/or regulatory work products are relied upon by another regulatory authority to inform its own regulatory decisions’.

The guidelines further highlight that ‘Each NRA should define its own strategy for an appropriate risk-based approach to reliance, which includes factors such as the type and source of products evaluated, the level of resources and expertise available in the NRA, the public health needs and priorities of the country and opportunities for reliance’.

Further information on Quality Risk Management can be found in ICH Q9(R1) – 2021 and in the 2013 WHO guidelines on Quality Risk Management. The approach is summarized in the below diagram derived from ICH Q9(R1):

When identifying a reference regulatory authority, the below principles can be followed:

  • It should be based on objective criteria, including evidence that the authority can be trusted (e.g. WLA, benchmarking, audit, accreditation, other information about the actions taken by an NRA), and the possibility to access the minimum required information in a language that is understood or can be easily translated.
  • It should consider the capacity of the reference NRA to conduct the regulatory function independently (e.g. maturity level, or technical capacity to review further a dossier) and the capacity of the relying NRA compared to the reference regulatory authority to conduct the activities of a certain function (i.e. can the reference NRA do the assessment as well or better than the relying NRA? However, a minimum level of ML3/4 or WLA should be expected)
  • It should be specific to one particular type of products and regulatory function (e.g. an authority may be ML3 for vaccines but not for medicines, or ML4 for vigilance but ML1 for marketing authorizations)
  • It should be reconsidered regularly based on experience (e.g. for Marketing Authorizations, considering the frequency of substandard and falsified products).
  • As a best practice, the relying NRA when applying reliance, should at least verify sameness. A checklist and guidance to conduct verification of product sameness for NRAs to use as reference can be found in the Appendix 2 of the 53rd report of the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (page 259) for Marketing Authorizations and Regulatory Inspections)
  • It is recommended to publish on the NRA website a guideline on reliance, which defines the scope, criteria and principles followed to select reference authorities and how such assessment will be used, together with information which may be updated more regularly on which are the accepted reference regulatory authorities (for one particular type of product/function or type of decision). This will help stakeholders to comply with the NRA’s expectations.

Possible Criterion for selecting a Reference Regulatory Authority

In the context of the prioritized functions, the table below presents some examples of criteria which may be considered to define the relying strategy:

Regulatory functionPossible Criterion for selecting a Reference Regulatory Authority
Marketing Authorizations
  1. Evidence of the strength of the regulatory system of the reference authority:
    • (t)WLA for the type of product and MA (RI may also be considered),
    • ML3 or ML4 for the product and MA (RI may also be considered),
    • Stringent Regulatory Authority definition/ICH membership
    • PIC/S membership (providing reassurance on the compliance of local production with cGMPs)
    • WHO Prequalified products,
    • experience (e.g. an advisory committee’s recommendation, frequency of SF products identified from this country, whether another strong regulatory authority relies on this authority, evidence of the performance of the reference regulatory authority etc.)
  2. Information on the Reference authority’s decision-making system:
    • by whom,
    • is there an expert committee, etc.
  3. Relative strength: does the reference regulatory authority have similar or stronger capacity for assessing this product compared to the relying authority? (minimum Maturity level 3 against the GBT)
  4. Availability of the minimum required information from the NRA (e.g. website, MoU, CDA) or the applicant.
  5. Responsiveness of the authority when contacted and ease of communication.
  1. Evidence of the strength of the regulatory system of the reference authority:
    • (t)WLA for the type of product and VL,
    • ML3 or ML4 for the product and VL,
    • Stringent Regulatory Authority definition/ICH membership,
    • experience (e.g. an advisory committee’s recommendation, robustness of previous safety decisions (has it been maintained or cancelled?), whether another strong regulatory authority relies on this authority, evidence of the performance of the reference regulatory authority etc.)
  2. Information on the Reference authority’s decision-making system:
    • how the safety data is assessed,
    • by whom,
    • is there an expert committee, etc.
  3. Relative strength: does the reference regulatory authority have similar or stronger capacity for assessing this product compared to the relying authority?
  4. Availability of the minimum required information from the NRA (e.g. website, MoU, CDA) or the applicant
  5. Responsiveness of the authority when contacted and ease of communication
Regulatory Inspections
  1. Evidence of the strength of the regulatory system of the reference authority:
    • (t)WLA for the type of product and RI,
    • ML3 or ML4 for the product and RI,
    • Stringent Regulatory Authority definition/ICH membership,
    • PIC/S membership,
    • experience (e.g. an advisory committee’s recommendation, whether other strong regulatory authority rely on this authority, evidence of contradiction with the outcome of other regulatory authorities’ inspections, evidence of the performance of the reference regulatory authority etc.)
  2. Information on the Reference authority’s decision-making system:
    1. Who can inspect
    2. How are inspectors trained
    3. Categorization of the deficiencies and follow up of the regulatory actions
  3. Relative strength: does the reference regulatory authority have similar or stronger capacity for assessing this product compared to the relying authority?
  4. Availability of the minimum required information from the NRA (e.g. website, MoU, CDA) or the applicant
  5. Responsiveness of the authority when contacted and ease of communication
Laboratory Testing
  1. Evidence of the strength of the regulatory system of the reference authority:
    • (t)WLA for the type of product and LT,
    • ML3 or ML4 for the product and LT,
    • Stringent Regulatory Authority definition/ICH membership,
    • WHO prequalified laboratories
    • ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 for laboratory testing
    • ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 for laboratory instrument calibration
    • ISO 17034:2016 for Reference Standard
    • Recent satisfactory proficiency testing reports or inter-laboratory testing reports on the scope of interest experience (e.g.whether other strong regulatory authority rely on this NCL, evidence of the performance of the reference regulatory authority etc.)
    • Any other international or national accreditation
  2. Relative strength: does the reference regulatory authority have similar or stronger capacity for assessing this product compared to the relying authority?
  3. Availability of the minimum required information from the NRA (e.g. website, MoU, CDA) or the applicant (please see section 8.4)
  4. Experience (e.g. Responsiveness of the authority when contacted and ease of communication)

Useful links

Types of decisions for which reliance may be used within the prioritized functions and sources of information

For each prioritized areas, a diversity of decisions for which reliance may be used was identified. Beyond, reliance can also be used for capacity development (e.g. when developing a new guideline or a new SOP, one Member may use the document from another country as a reference or as a starting basis).

For Marketing authorizations for medicines and vaccines, reliance may be used for:

  • Initial marketing authorizations, including product information
  • Renewal of marketing authorizations
  • Variations, including e.g. new indications or changes in the posology
  • Suspension, withdrawal of a Marketing Authorization

For Vigilance for medicines and vaccines, reliance may be used for:

  • Safety signal detection and assessment
  • Safety variations, including changes in the SmPC and patient information leaflet
  • PSUR assessment
  • Risk communication (e.g. Dear doctors letters, Direct Healthcare professional communications)
  • Risk management plans
  • Benefit-Risk reviews

For Regulatory inspections for medicines and vaccines, reliance may be used for:

  • GxP compliance, including initial assessment and maintenance
  • Information for risk-based planning of inspections, e.g. history of recalls

For Laboratory testing for medicines and vaccines, reliance may be used for:

  • Quality test results (prior or after registration/marketing)

For Market control and surveillance: while information sharing is critical for market control and surveillance, no regulatory decision could be identified for which reliance would be used, as this activity is national in nature. Associated decisions for which reliance may be used, such as benefit-risk reviews or testing, have already been addressed.


Overall, initial discussions highlighted that for the above decisions, possible sources of information, could include:

  • Applicants
  • Other NRA websites and WHO website (e.g. for prequalified products or guidelines)
  • Documents directly provided by other NRAs (e.g. un-redacted assessment report)
  • The collaborative registration procedure (CRP)

Minimum information required for reliance

The below document was developed to support the implementation of this strategy. There would be 2 main usages of this information:

  • Recommendations to guide relying countries on what is required as a minimum for them to be able to rely on other organizations.
  • Recommendations to SEARN countries on what to publish/make available (in relation with AP3 information sharing and AP4 internal platform) in order to facilitate reliance from other countries on their own decisions.

Acknowledging that the implementation of these recommendations may require addressing practical and technical challenges, and in some cases further discussions and agreement of other authorities, the adoption by the Assembly of SEARN will be followed by an implementation period of two years.

The information identified in the below table intends to present the minimum information required for reliance. For reliance, the ultimate requirement is that the relying NRA should have sufficient trust in the reference authority to use the output of their work in their own regulatory decision-making system. Abridged assessment may require additional information.

Reference organisations currently used in the region

A survey was conducted to identify the reference organizations currently used in the region. The scope was medicines and vaccines only. The survey was divided between reference organizations for Marketing Authorisation/Regulatory Inspections and Laboratory testing.


  • Legacy remains an important driver regarding the choice of reference regulatory authorities, and the status of Stringent Regulatory Authorities (SRA) remains the main factor associated with reliance in the region
  • Some inconsistencies have been observed. For example only one Member indicated relying on Saudi Arabia while its regulatory system reached Maturity Level 4 for both medicines and vaccines. Another example was that despite its SRA status, not all relying Members identified Health Canada.
  • Some other uncertainty or inconsistencies were observed. For regulatory inspection, only some PIC/S members are relied upon, not all.
  • Overall, the intra-regional reliance is very low.
  • A lower level of reliance was reported for Laboratory testing, which could either reflect less reliance or the profile of those who responded to the survey. Similar inconsistencies and low intra-regional reliance was observed.

Mapping of the sources of information for reliance

Reference organisations for SEARN

Based on the results from the survey and further discussion, it was agreed for the purpose of the mapping of the sources of information for reliance prioritize reference regulatory authorities as follows:

  1. EMA (pilot)
  2. TGA
  3. US FDA
  4. MHRA
  5. Japan
  6. SwissMedic

Piloting of the mapping of the sources of information for reliance

It was agreed to initiate the piloting of the mapping of the sources of information with EMA. The results are provided below.

If you identify any error or broken link, please report it to the SEARN secretariat by email or using the contact form.

Regulatory functionType of decisionReference organizationSource of informationComments
Marketing authorizationsInitial marketing authorisations EMA

Database of authorised medicines:

Example: pandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1) (live attenuated, nasal) AstraZeneca

General Product page:

Product EPAR:

  • Only valid for products approved through the EU centralized procedure.
  • This database lists all medicines used for human only, but not only.
  • You can find these by including the medicine's name or its active substance in the search field.
  • It shows you information on centrally authorised medicines - medicines that EMA evaluated.
  • When searching and clicking on the product name, the user will be provided with the product page which includes
    1. all information on the product assessment outcomes, and history,
    2. product details and information
    3. Any news on the product.
  • The product page provides a summary of the European public assessment report (EPAR). It explains how the Agency assessed the medicine to recommend its authorisation in the EU and its conditions of use.
Marketing authorizationsProduct information EMA

Search product in:

Example: pandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1) (live attenuated, nasal) AstraZeneca

General Product page:

  • After selecting a product using the database above, the user finds a menu on the left side where Product information tab can be found
  • After clicking on the Product information tab, the user is directed to the relevant section.
  • The medicine’s product information is generally  available in all official EU languages. The use can select 'available languages' to access the language needed.
  • Product information documents contain:
    1. summary of product characteristics;
    2. manufacturing authorisation holder responsible for batch release;
    3. conditions of the marketing authorisation;
    4. labelling;
    5. package leaflet.
    Marketing authorizationsRenewal of marketing authorisations EMA

    Search product in:

    • Only valid for products approved through the EU centralized procedure.
    • On the product page of interest, go to the assessment history section
    • The document ‘Procedural steps taken and scientific information after authorisation’ contains all decisions taken by the European Commission, including renewals.
    • More information on EPAR: Link
    Marketing authorizationsVariations EMA

    Search product in:

    • Only valid for products approved through the EU centralized procedure.
    • On the product page, go to the assessment history section
    • The document ‘Procedural steps taken and scientific information after authorisation’ contains all decisions taken by the European Commission, including variations.
    • Public assessment reports are only available for variations deemed to be concerning major changes.
    • More information on EPAR:
    Marketing authorizationsSuspension and withdrawal of marketing authorisations EMA
    • Only valid for products approved through the EU centralized procedure.
    • Union register:
      1. Go to Procedures for centrally authorised medicinal products / Union Register of medicinal products for human use / Withdrawn, suspended, expired or not renewed
      2. You can find all concerned product by EU number or Alphabetical.
    • EPAR:
      • On the product page, go to the assessment history section
      • Public assessment reports are available when the authorization was suspended or withdrawn due to quality, efficacy or safety reasons.
      • For other reasons (e.g. commercial reasons), information can be found in the below section ‘More information on XXX’.
      • More information on EPAR: Link.
    VigilanceSafety signalsEMA
    • Applicable to any medicines registered in the EU (not limited to medicines authorized through the centralized procedure).
    • Published after every meeting of the EU Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC), including the recommended changes in the products information.
    VigilanceSafety variationsEMAPlease refer to variations
    • Applicable to any medicines registered in the EU (not limited to medicines authorized through the centralized procedure).
    VigilanceRisk communicationEMA
    • Applicable to any medicines registered in the EU (not limited to medicines authorized through the centralized procedure).
    • DHPCs are also announced in the meeting highlights from the PRAC published on the Friday after every meeting and accessible from the home page.
    VigilanceRisk management plansEMA
    VigilanceBenefit-risk reviewsEMA
    Regulatory inspectionsGMP complianceEMA
    • The EudraGMDP database is the Community database on manufacturing, import and wholesale-distribution authorisations, and good manufacturing-practice (GMP) and good-distribution-practice (GDP) certificates.
    • A public version of the database allows public access to the information in the database that is not of a commercially or personally confidential nature.
    • It contains the following information on GMP:
      1. Manufacturing and import authorisations
      2. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificates.
      3. Statements of non-compliance with GMP
      4. GMP inspection planning in third countries
    • Users are advised that since inspections of manufacturers of active substances are based on risk, some active substance manufacturers may not be in possession of a GMP certificate issued by an EEA authority. The absence of a GMP certificate should not be understood as meaning that the active substance manufacturer in question does not comply with GMP.
    Regulatory inspectionsGCP ComplianceEMA

    General information on GCP inspections:

    • No database identified
    Regulatory inspectionsGSDP complianceEMA
    • The EudraGMDP database is the Community database on manufacturing, import and wholesale-distribution authorisations, and good manufacturing-practice (GMP) and good-distribution-practice (GDP) certificates.
    • A public version of the database allows public access to the information in the database that is not of a commercially or personally confidential nature.
    • It contains the following information on GSDP:
      1. Wholesale Distribution Authorisations
      2. Good Distribution Certificates (GDP)
      3. Statements of non-compliance with GDP
      4. Registration of manufacturers, importers and distributors of active substances for human use located in the EEA
    Regulatory inspectionsInformation for risk-based planning of inspectionsEMA
    • Marketing and manufacturing authorisation holders should report a quality defect of a centrally authorised medicine, including suspected defects, to EMA following the instructions provided.
    • If the nature of a product quality defect of a medicinal product presents a serious risk to public and animal health, national competent authorities inform each other through the rapid alert system.
    • EMA is responsible for maintaining a rapid alert list of contact points, which includes national competent authorities in EEA Member States, the European Commission and international partner regulatory authorities and organisations.
    • No centralised database found for product recalls
    • There are lists of products sampling and testing conducted in each year, which can provide relevant information on product compliance
    Laboratory testing Quality test resultsEMANot applicable

    Next steps

    1. Develop a strategy for reliance on marketing authorization of priority products
    2. Continue the mapping of reference NRAs
    3. Explore how to further consider WLAs in this strategy
    4. Propose means to address any issue arising in the scope of this strategy